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DeGoogle your Android phone with LineageOS

2021-08-19 5 min read android guides privacy Sebastian Appler
It’s happening a lot in alternative OS for Android. Promising distribution’s such as CalyxOS and GrapheneOS offers very interesting features with big focus on privacy and security. We also have PureOS a pure linux distro that’s not based on AOSP but tries to use desktop linux apps on the phone. For me it still not viable way as a daily driver. The major drawback is that even that they are interesting they are only supported for Pixel phones (or specific phones like Librem for PureOS). Continue reading

Host all your data in Nextcloud with Kubernetes

If you want to be clean with your privacy the problem how to store your files will soon become a problem. Maybe you already store your data in Google with images in Google Photos and files in Google Drive. There’s many services that claim to be private but the best thing is of course to host it yourself. You don’t want to sacrifice convenience and maybe it’s scary that it will become a big hassle to make your own hosting. Continue reading